Course curriculum

    1. 簡介 Introduction

    2. 甚麼是“由下而上”做神学和案例研究? What is Doing Theology From Below and Doing Cases?

    3. PowerPoint 1

    1. 案例研究與神學反思 Doing Case Studies and Theological Reflection

    2. PowerPoint 2

    1. 如何“由下而上”做神學? How to Do Theology From Below?

    2. PowerPoint 3

    1. 指導 Instruction

    2. 請閱讀《揸還是不揸 /這車開還是不》。Please read "To Drive or Not to Drive".

    3. 案例分析研究 Case Analysis

    1. 請閱讀《靈巧的領導或表裡不一? 》。Please read "Shrewd Leadership or Duplicity".

    2. 案例分析研究 Case Analysis

    1. 請閱讀《金礦!還是黃鐵礦!》。Please read "Fool's Gold".

    2. 案例分析研究 Case Analysis

About this course

  • Free
  • 17 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content