Doing Theology from Below and Case Studies
簡介 Introduction
甚麼是“由下而上”做神学和案例研究? What is Doing Theology From Below and Doing Cases?
PowerPoint 1
案例研究與神學反思 Doing Case Studies and Theological Reflection
PowerPoint 2
如何“由下而上”做神學? How to Do Theology From Below?
PowerPoint 3
指導 Instruction
請閱讀《揸還是不揸 /這車開還是不》。Please read "To Drive or Not to Drive".
案例分析研究 Case Analysis
請閱讀《靈巧的領導或表裡不一? 》。Please read "Shrewd Leadership or Duplicity".
案例分析研究 Case Analysis
請閱讀《金礦!還是黃鐵礦!》。Please read "Fool's Gold".
案例分析研究 Case Analysis